We are one of the experts in providing services. Moving machinery

We provide service Moving machinery To the recipient's hand at the exact time (DOOR TO DOOR SERVICE), punctual, in more than 700,000 locations around the world with an efficient delivery system. You can follow and check the status. Delivery available 24 hours a day from all over the world. and check expenses through the credit system and check the status of the products www.888lts.com (Ready for full system operation on 8/8/2013) Suitable for agencies or business organizations that require an efficient, standardized product delivery system that is accepted and trusted by Government agencies, public companies and leading companies To support your business growth, L.T.S. Express (Thailand) Company Limited is the choice for those who want to use fast, safe and punctual service at Thai prices. We are committed to further development. for Thai people to use the service Full logistics system

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Why should you choose to use the service? Moving machinery our industry

Move everything completely in one place.

companyindustrial transportthat provides comprehensive services Will provide services from planning, moving, transporting, assembling and installing. and after-sales service Giving customers convenience and saving time when moving. No need to waste time and effort preparing things yourself.

Contact us immediately

industrial transportComprehensive service

  • House moving service
  • Office moving service
  • Machine moving service
  • Furniture moving service
  • Office equipment moving service
  • Product moving service

LTS EXPRESS Leader in complete industrial moving services

LTS EXPRESS is a service company.industrial transportComprehensive was founded in 2006 with the aim of providingMoving serviceที่มีคุณภาพสูง ปลอดภัย และรวดเร็ว ภายใต้มาตรฐานระดับสากล

LTS EXPRESS has a team with experience and expertise inindustrial transport There are modern equipment and tools. Helps to move safely and efficiently.

LTS EXPRESS ให้ All types of moving services Whether it is a house moving service Office moving service Machine moving service Furniture moving service Office equipment moving service Product moving service, etc.

LTS EXPRESS places the highest priority on the safety of our customers' assets. All employees have received good safety training. To prevent damage to customer property

In addition, LTS EXPRESS also provides comprehensive after-sales service. Always helping customers every step of the way. So that customers can be confident that they will receive the best service.

Highlights of LTS EXPRESS

  • Provide complete service From planning, moving, transporting, assembling and installing. and after-sales service
  • Experienced and expert team Has received good safety training.
  • Modern equipment and tools Helps to move safely and efficiently.
  • Prioritizes the safety of customer property first.
  • There is a comprehensive after-sales service.

Customer reviews

“Very impressed with the service of LTS EXPRESS. The staff are polite, good service, and moving quickly and safely. No property was damaged at all.” – Ms. Supavadee 

“I have used the machinery moving service with LTS EXPRESS many times. Never disappointed professional staff Moved well. There is no problem.” – Mr. Somchai 

“Moving house with LTS EXPRESS, very impressed. Good service staff Move quickly No property was damaged. Most importantly, the price is not expensive.” - Ms. Orawan, customer from Chiang Mai Province

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Problems that most customers encounter when moving industrially

Industrial moving is a job that requires a lot of expertise and experience. Because you have to move heavy and large items. Including various machinery and equipment that may easily be damaged If you are not careful

From experience working in industrial moving for a long time. It was found that the problems that most customers will encounter when moving industrially include:

  • Security issues It is the most common problem. This is because most industries have heavy and large machines and equipment. If you are not careful in moving There may be accidents that may damage the customer's property. Or it may cause employees to be injured.
  • Delay problem This problem can be caused by many reasons, such as traffic conditions and careless planning. or other unexpected problems if moving is not planned carefully. This may cause the move to be delayed beyond schedule.
  • cost problems Industrial moving costs can be high. Because it requires a lot of equipment and labor. If you don't compare prices and services from multiple different companies, it can end up costing you more than it's worth.

In addition to the above problems Customers may encounter additional problems, such as communication problems. Misunderstanding problems, etc. Therefore, preparation before using industrial moving services is important. To help reduce risks and problems that may occur.

Tips for avoiding problems when moving in industry

  • Study the company information in detail. Before deciding to use the service You should study the company's information in detail, such as its history, experience, and service standards. Including reviews from customers who have used the service.
  • Plan your move carefully. The number and type of items to be moved should be assessed. Transport distance and clearly specify the time period for moving
  • Compare prices and services You should compare prices and services from several different companies to choose the one that best meets your needs and budget.
  • Request to see quotation When choosing the company you want to use the service You should ask to see a clear price quote. Specify details such as a list of items to be moved. Transport distance Expenses clearly

If you follow these tips It will help customers avoid problems when transporting industry efficiently.


Our customers

Important points about industrial moving


Because moving industry requires certainty in using the service.

Estimate the moving time so that everything goes as planned.

The transport route is important and needs to be looked at in advance.

Evaluate the tools needed for moving.

Coordinate with various related agencies to ensure accuracy and compliance with the law.

moving operation

Inspect various items before moving to ensure that no damage has occurred.

Packaging must be up to standard to help prevent damage to the product.

ความระมัดระวังเป็นส่วนสำคัญที่ทำให้ LTS EXPRESS เป็นเบอร์ 1 เรื่องการขนย้าย

Install and test tools to verify usability.


Safety is of utmost importance in industrial moving. Safety measures should be strictly followed. To prevent accidents that may occur.

บริการประกอบลังไม้ Wooden crates for drying with IPPC brand for export

ตีลังไม้ อบน้ำยา ตีตรา IPPC ส่งออก การขนส่งสินค้าระหว่างประเทศ จำเป็นต้องมีการบรรจุหีบห่อที่แข็งแรงและทนทาน เพื่อปกป้องสินค้าจากการกระแทก การสั่นสะเทือน และความเสียหายอื่นๆ ในการขนส่ง รวมไปถึงการป้องกันการปนเปื้อนของศัตรูพืชและโรคพืชตามมาตรฐานขององค์การระหว่างประเทศเพื่อการอารักขาพืชและสัตว์ (International Plant Protection Convention: IPPC)

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